De las plantas de Aloe conseguirán hacer champú, jugo y otros productos que servirán a la comunidad.

look of hope
a dignified life

the difference
Every little action contributes to improve the life
of whom need it most.

our projects in wukro
You can come to Wukro as a visitor or volunteer.
Contact us for more information.
Latest news about Angel Olaran
On our blog, as well as on the blog of Iniciatives Solidarias, you will find different publications by Ángel Olaran

The establishment of Saint Mary's as a vocational and technical school to address the problem of unemployment and underemployment in and around Wukro with vocational and technical training.

Engage in HIV/AIDS prevention and provide necessary care and support to victims of the pandemic. In addition to covering orphans with basic health needs.

Nourishment programme for orphans, elderly people suffering from extreme poverty and female-dependent households to cover their basic food needs.
Our projects
Make a donation and help make it come true
Support for HIV / AIDS patients and prevention of the pandemic
Provide necessary care and support to victims of HIV / AIDS. Medicines are supplied and periodic supervision and control ...
Development of Saint Mary’s professional and technical school
The goal of St. Mary’s School is to contribute to the regional effort to alleviate poverty. Therefore, the school ...
Support for orphans through education and basic needs coverage
Program aimed at the orphans and orphans of Wukro and surroundings, in which they are provided with a safe ...
Come to Wukro to know our work
You can come as a volunteer or as a visitor during your holidays
Volunteers and Visitors
This is my second year at Wukro and I will be back as soon as I get the chance. For me, Aita Angel is a source of inspiration and an example of effort and .

Henard Selles
I have been collaborating at Saint Mary's school in agricultural projects, experimenting with composting and mulching techniques for the optimization of water resources.

Daniel Abia
Ángel Olaran cares for and protects the orphans of Wukro while raising his voice against crime and global injustice. There's nothing more to say.

Jon Olaizola
Ángel Olaran came to Wukro in 1991. Since then, he has transformed the lives of many people by making them participants in their own development. Some figures on these more than 25 years.



Orphans benefited

Families benefited
Los Occidentales nos hemos autoproclamado ser el modelo humano, incluso de raza.
Posiblemente reaccionando a este sentir occidental, ...
“Cuatrocientos años mojada de sangre, - pero que, aún respira, - a los pies de África, - ...
Apreciaciones personales de algunos aspectos de la relación que mantuvo Dios, con personajes y elementos de la ...
(Valle de lágrimas)
Toda la región está en duelo. Wukro incluido.
Una mujer que vive a 15 minutos ...
Wukro 08-10-23
La Comisión comenzó su trabajo en noviembre 2022, días después de la firma de la paz ...
AHelp us to continue supporting children and vulnerable people in Wukro
Donations help us to continue working on development projects in Wukro. In addition, they help not only children and vulnerable people, but all local workers employed in the projects.